Michael Stam

Our member Mike Stam has died. He had a stroke around the 17th August 2024. Mike was a member of the Paris branch for 15 years.
Our condolences go to Anne, his wife and his family.

Anne Boit 21/01/1950 - 16/5/2023

We learn with sadness from Anne Boit’s daughter that her mother died on 16th May at the age of 73 Janet knew her well and says, "Anne was the Poppy Appeal Organiser taking over from Annie Mandeville in the late 90’s for about 10 years or so. She and I often had a laugh when organising the Poppies for delivery and then getting the money in and banked. Once Anne went with Jim Cockle to Barclays Bank near the Opera. Jim happened to open the case containing the tubes of coins upside-down. Some of the tubes had split and coins scattered all over the bank floor. The cashier was less than amused and was certainly above offering to help collect them. Anne was almost on the floor laughing but managed to phone me at the Legion in rue Boudreau for help. When I got there, Anne and Jim were still scrambling about on their knees gathering up the loot. It was hilarious and I hope that Anne and Jim are laughing together about it somewhere in the wide blue yonder."
An indefatigable worker, Anne also worked for the British Charitable Fund for many years.



The Royal British Legion 

Paris Branch 
In Memoriam



Roger Thorn 10/08/1937 - 10/2/2023

We are sorry to hear of the death of Roger Thorn who was Chairman of the RBL Paris Branch for 16 years, taking over from Richard Dogget.
Roger was an ex serviceman, a lieutenant in The Royal Signals from 1956 to 1958. Subsequently he followed a career in merchant banking which brought him to Paris. He joined the Paris Branch of the RBL in 1995.
His participation as RBL Chairman in numerous events is well remembered, notably the annual rekindling of the flame at the Arc de Triomph on the 4 August and the commemoration at Notre Dame on 11 November.
Roger also organised visits to battlefields in France and elsewhere in Europe, often joint events for the RBL and the Oxford University Society of Paris where he was also a committee member. He was also an active member of St Michael's church in Paris for 40 years.
Notably, on hearing of his decision to leave the chair of the Paris branch he was granted life membership by RBL HQ. All our sympathy goes to his wife, Liz, and to all his family.

Tony Bennett 13/05/1945 - 25/1/2023
Tony, one of our most well-known and popular members died on 25 January after a long period of painful illness. Many of our more long-standing members will recall him with affection.
Tony had a great sense of humour and a never-failing fund of seagoing tales with which to regale all present.
A great cook, back in the days when the Paris branch was based in rue Boudreau Tony and his wife Dorothy regaled members with gorgeous curries and nasi-goring dishes and he continued, from time to time, to do so in our new quarters.

All our sympathy goes to his Tony's wife, his family and his many friends. We shall be many to miss him.

Patrick Noble: born 7/1/34 at the age of 88

We have learnt with sadness of the death of Patrick, a much valued member of the Paris Branch since 1977. Patrick served in the RN as petty officer on HMS Kenya from 1956-58 and subsequently became a chartered electrical and mechanical engineer. His interests included sailing and history - especially military history and it is as the latter that he was a contributer to our monthly Newsletter .
Patrick's son is a Lieutenant Colonel in the British Army and was stationed here in Paris as a Liaison Officer until the summer of last year. Our sincere condolences go to all Patrick's family and his friends

Sandra Cheyne: 7.12.51 - 28.7.22

We have learnt with immense sadness that Sandra died on 28 July. As many of you know, Sandra was very ill but she continued to be President of the BCWA, managing to fit in the meetings around her chemo dates and, when her two years were up, offering to continue in the job for a while longer. And even before she was President, we learned to appreciate her good sense and equally good humour during her time as Membership Secretary.

In addition to her activities with the BCWA, Sandra was also a much appreciated member of the RBL Paris branch.


Monday May 23 2022 - MURIEL LANGLE
Chevalier de l'Ordre National de Mérite
Médaille d'or dede la Jeunesse et des Sports

We are sad to learn of the death of our member. Muriel Langle, aged 84, in a Versailles clinic where she had been for some time following a fall. Her children were with her.
Muriel was a long-standing member of the RBL Paris branch having joined in 2012.
A retired teacher from the British School of Paris, she coached their hockey team to a series of victories.
Secretary of the BCWA, until 2020, she notably, launched the BCWA Newsletter.

Muriel with Jim Cockle


Wednesday 26.01/22 - BERYL JONES

The sad news of Beryls death reaches us by way of the BCWA.
Until recently a member of the RBL Paris branch, Beryl was also an
active member of BCWA and served on their committee.
The RBL Paris branch wish to associate our own condoleances with those of the BCWA to Beryl's family and friends,

Saturday 18/12/2021 - BARBRA GARDNER

Barbra Gardner's daughter Carole, informs us that her mother died on 19th December aged 91. Barbra was Janet Warby's predecessor as Secretary of the RBL, a position she held in the late 80s to early 90s. John, her husband, was Chairman of the branch and died whilst in post. Barbra was also a Committee member of the BCWA .
We extend all our sympathy to Barbra's daughter and all her family.


Monday 10/5/21 - MICHELINE MANN

We learn with sadness, and somewhat belatedly, of the recent death of Micheline Mann. A member of the Royal British Legion Paris Branch for 32 years. She also worked on our committee and will be particularly remembered by her fellow members.
Michelle (She hated the name "Micheline" because of the trains of the same name!) was also an officer of IMLI, the Intelligence Liaison Officers Association Michelle is buried in the Montmartre cemetery.
All our condolences go to her family and friends.


Tuesday 23 February 2021 - JEAN MORRIS

We are very sad to learn from Janet Warby, our Paris Branch Secretary General and Chief Standard Bearer, of the death of her mother, Jean Morris, yesterday at the age of 87, at her home in Northern Ireland.
Her funeral will take place in Londonderry on Thursday 25th February 2021 at 10h00
Like her daughter, Jean was very actve in the Royal British Legion and was Chairman of the Royal British Legion Herne Bay Women's Section, Kent, in the 1990's.
She visited Paris in August 1994 and laid a wreath at the Arc de Triomphe on behalf of the Herne Bay Branch.
A wonderful woman, mother to three, grandmother to ten and great grandmother to nine, she will be sorely missed by all who knew her.

May she rest in peace.




< Jean on the day of her engagement.


At the Arc de Triomphe >




John Faulkner, informs us of the death of his brother of William Faulkner. A member of the Paris branch until his return to Dublin when he transfered his membership to local branches, including that at Portstewart N. Ireland, where his son John is a member.
William passed away peacefully at his home in Dublin on Friday 12th February 2021 and was cremated on the 25th February 2021. I know he will be greatly missed in all four of the RBL branches he had been involved with.