King Charles III Coronation
To celebrate the Coronation the RBL Paris branch is organising a dinner-dance at l'Ecole Militaire. |
All are welcome at this event:
Please indicate your interest as soon as possible, to or 06 07 95 61 98
Cheques to be made out tothe order of AdVB. Send to RBL, 28 rue des Acacias, 75017 Paris (preferably by 5 May)
or by bank transfer to the ADVB account: IBAN FR76 3007 6020 4222 3814 0020 011 BIC NORDFRPP
(Neither Cash nor Credit cards can be accepted.)
Menu d'Eté Apéritif - Kir
& Canopées (30 Minutes) Carré de veau
cuit basse température, tian de légumes à la tapenade et fleurs de thym
Trilogie de chocolat royale chocolat, coulant chocolat & quenelle chocolat. Champagne (for the Royal toast) Café |
THE MUSIC by MC BIGBAND More information here: |