However, if you pay Income Tax in France and
wish to claim your subscription as a charitable donation, or if you
have a French bank account and wish to pay your subscription with
a French cheque it is enough to download the following,
application form
Print it out (use both sides of the paper if
you wish) and fill in the following:
Send your application, with your cheque for
€42 (€50 as from 1/10/2023), to
The Secretary,
RBL Paris Branch
28 rue des Acacias
75017 PARIS.
If you have any questions
about the above or about the Paris branch of the RBL please contact
one of the following committee members:
Chairman : Richard Neave
tel: 06 45 10 47 70
Secretary: Janet Warby: tel:
01 39 28 90 28
Membership Secretary
& webmaster Mark Yates
tel: 06 86 08 68 19